Electrical Fire Safety : What You Need to Know

The number of electronic devices and appliances that are being plugged in and left unattended has been increasing, this has led to an increase in the risk of electrical fires. We know at Master Fireplaces how necessary it is to keep your house safe and warm during winter. That’s why we have provided this comprehensive guide so you can learn all about electrical fire safety.

Knowing the Risks

Mostly faulty wiring, overloaded circuits, or misuse of electrical equipment causes electric fires. These types of accidents can happen within seconds without any warning signs at all. Such knowledge helps individuals be aware of hazards related to electricity usage hence they become cautious thereby lowering the chances of such incidents happening.

Essential Safety Tips To Avoid Electrical Fires

  • Check Your Wiring

When wires are old or damaged they may lead to a fire outbreak. If your home has been around for more than twenty years, then a licensed electrician should inspect the whole electrical system. Flickering lights, buzzing outlets or a burning smell near electric panels indicate you need to do something quickly about them.

  • Do Not Overload Circuits

Overheating wiring happens when people plug many devices into a single outlet causing a fire outbreak through the ignition of such materials by heat produced due to resistance encountered along those wires. Thus load on each circuit should always be considered while using power strips having surge protectors designed specifically for preventing overloading circuits.

  • Be Careful With Extension Cords

Though useful, extension cords if used improperly could be potential sources where fires start from at homes leading to destructions plus lives lost. Never run these cords under furniture or floors like carpets and rugs since they tend to get hot easily when currents passing through them exceed certain limits.

Also, avoid connecting several of them one after another in the series. In case, extension cords are often relied on, it means more outlets need to be installed.

  • Inspect and replace appliances frequently

Another frequent cause of electric fires is malfunctioning appliances. Regularly inspect all your appliances for worn-out cords, exposed wires, or any other indications of damage. Dispose of any old or broken appliance and replace it with a new one with safety certifications like Underwriters Laboratories (UL) mark.

What to do if there’s an Electrical Fire

Never attempt to put out an electrical fire with water because it will only worsen the situation since water conducts electricity. Instead, use class C fire extinguishers designed explicitly for electrical fires or call emergency services when the flames become uncontrollable.

Stay Protected with Master Fireplaces

Safety should always come first at Master Fireplaces where we strive to create safe warm living spaces for you. Keep yourself safe from electric fire by following these tips that will keep risks low while ensuring that your house remains safe for everybody.